Hampi Sugars
     The M/s Hampi Sugars Pvt Ltd has taken initiatives to harness the full potential of sugarcane. The following are steps taken in this direction: 206.63 Acres of land been acquired by KIADB for setup of Ethanol Plant and other upcoming Products in future.
- Initial crushing capacity of sugar plant targeted at 7500 tons/day
- Hiring the right skill and expertise to optimize production and cost.
     The sugar mill is also complying with the production and waste management norms. The by-products and waste materials of factory are properly treated before final sale or disposal. Considering the demand and potential for the ethanol plant, M/s Hampi Sugars Pvt Ltd , have decided to setting up a sugar plant of capacity 7500 TCD with 30 MW co-generation plant and 360 KLPD Distillery at the new site.
  • Hospet- Bellary , Bypass Road Hospet. PIN-583201 District : Vijayanagara
  • No 23, 2nd floor, Pamadi Towers, Gandhi Nagar, 1 st main Road Bangalore –560009


The company got letter of intent for setting-up a sugar factory for manufacture of white crystal sugar with a capacity of 7500 TCD.


Ethanol is naturally produced by the fermentation of sugars by yeasts or via petrochemical processes, and is most commonly consumed as a popular recreational drug.


Biofertilizers provide "eco-friendly" organic agro-input. Biofertilizers such as Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirilium and blue green algae have been in use a long time.